World Ventures Group is a global philanthropy dedicated to reducing and resolving conflicts using tools and techniques from entrepreneurship.
Our Mission
Our mission is to create new and support existing ventures (non profit or for profit) whose success will reduce or eliminate conflict, stress and strife.
Internationally, we are especially focused on healing conflict through commerce in the Holy Land and throughout the Middle East by fostering productive relationships between US business leaders and Palestinian entrepreneurs, and by promoting American-Jewish-Arab joint business and cultural ventures.
Domestically, our focus is on reducing litigation in the US, and educating business leaders about productive ways to reduce conflict and stress in the workplace.
Through a wide variety of courageous ventures, WVG strives to revitalize various conflict regions and cultivate an environment in which community members express feelings of safety and self-actualization. Please visit our Ventures tab for a complete list of domestic and international projects.
““The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. “”